Director General

Dg Sir-rev1



PhD, MUP, BTech Civil, MSc Ecology & Environment, MRTPI, MRICS, FHEA, FITP
Area of expertise :
  • Low Carbon / Green Buildings
  • Energy and Urban Form
  • Urban Regeneration, Smart Cities and Real Estate
  • PPP, Infrastructure Development, Investment and Financing
About Director General

Dr. Anil Kashyap has been with the School of the Built Environment at the University of Ulster as Teaching and Learning Director and faculty on planning and real estate courses since 2003. In this role, he has been part of the School Executive, Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee and various other university level working groups. He has experience of curriculum design, revalidation and professional body accreditation of built environment courses by RICS and RTPI. He is an active researcher and has supervised four Ph.D.’s in the field of climate change and resilience, transport and urban regeneration. He has also served as an examiner for Ph.D. students in India and the UK. Additionally, Dr. Kashyap is involved in wide range of research funded by research councils, charities and international institutions namely ‘Urban Security’ (BESECURE) funded by the European Union under FP7, public private partnership funded by the RICS Education Trust and ‘Urban Regeneration and Energy Efficient Building Research’ funded by University of Ulster Strategic Fund. His research interests are financing urban infrastructure, urban regeneration, appraisal and finance, market analysis, value creation in real estate and sustainability of urban areas in developing countries. He was a Professor and Program Director for the School of Real Estate at the RICS School of Built Environment. His recent appointment has been Head of School of Geography and Environmental Management (2017-2021) at University of the West of England Bristol, UK before joining NICMAR Pune in September 2021. 

Dr. Kashyap has also been an invited speaker at international conferences, presented his research at various European Real Estate Society and American Real Estate Society conferences. He has published his research widely. Dr. Kashyap is a Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, London and a Fellow of the Institute of Town Planners, India. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom.