Management Development Programme


Full Time Residential Programmes

Executive Development Programmes

Part Time Programmes

Distance Programmes


Welcome to NICMAR’s Management Development Programme – For Excellence in Management Development and Training in Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Projects (CRIP).

“Due to consistent high priority accorded to growth of infrastructure, the nation now boasts of showpieces of Indian technical excellence and ingenuity, projects which are engineering marvels, be it in space exploration, defense, bridge, roads, metros, airports, ship building, rural infrastructure, oil and gas exploration, new city development, and so on. Within a decade, manpower requirement alone will include at least an additional 25000 project managers per year, 50000 engineers per year and 25000 supervisors per year. Rapid creation of appropriate training and certification infrastructure and building capacity of higher training institutions to deal with this gigantic task is the next big challenge as well as opportunity for higher training sector.

NICMAR’s raison d’etre is to relentlessly strive to create the professionally trained engineering, managerial and leadership talent, in a sector that is rather starved of such high level talent. The talent requirements of this sector are highly complex and specialized and therefore specialized institutions will need to be set up to scale up the capacity in the country. We need to develop a model framework for setting up institutions for higher training in infrastructure studies. We need to create suitable business model to ensure long term viability and sustenance of such institutions. We need to create sectoral skill certification bodies. As a pioneer, NICMAR showed the far sight, vision and determination to focus on development of professionally equipped graduates, capable of leading and managing organizations in the sector through the exciting, tumultuous and revolutionary phase”.(quoted from the speech delivered by Dr. M. G. Korgaonker, Director General. NICMAR at Graduation Ceremony, March, 2014).

Overview on Training at NICMAR

Training is an extremely important and essential event for almost all organizations to keep pace with the consistent growth, fulfillment of customers’ demand, ever changing market and technology, individual’s aspiration for mission accomplishment, etc. Training is an ongoing process which allows an individual to improve upon his knowledge, skills and competencies. ‘Train people now or perish’ that’s the slogan employees, across the sectors, are carrying for their employers.

Organizations today are looking for more than effective managers. They are looking for people with high maturity who can think, see and plan. They want people who can create something that doesn’t exist, not just manage what already exists. They are looking for leaders, at every level.

Management Development Programme at NICMAR seek to up-grade the managerial and technical capabilities of working executives connected with various construction, projects, real estate industries, government departments, funding agencies, consulting firms, service providers etc.

Contact for Information on Management Development Programmes:

NICMAR-Management Development Programme

Dr. Tapash Kumar Ganguli

Senior Professor and Dean-Management Development Programme